First of all, lets introduce the hose pump, which is also called peristaltic pump. In order to eliminate the danger of the pump body contaminating the fluid or the fluid contaminating the pump body, only the hose in contact with the medium in the entire pump device. In general, hose pumps use natural rubber hoses. The inner and outer layers are completely smooth natural rubber, the purpose of which is to prevent abrasion. It is suitable for mediums that are not corrosive but very abrasive, such as mud and inorganic substances. And generally suitable for fats, oils or oils, and organic chemicals. The inner layer is rubber, while the outer layer is natural rubber or composite rubber.
Hose pumps are very versatile and can be applied to many occasions on the market, such as: emptying of sewage pump wells, emptying of sewage pumping stations, emptying of sewage ponds and sludge ponds in water plants. Empty sewage and sludge from municipal sewer system. Emergency transfer of oil, liquid substances, chemical sludge, etc. after the accident at factories and tankers; suction pumps for flushing water on the surface after the accident. Fire emergency water transfer; emergency water supply pump station, the internal flow parts of the pump can be equipped with stainless steel, several pump trucks in series can be used as temporary water supply pump station. Military and naval forces combat readiness logistic pump truck.
21世纪中国经济的快速发展,城市人口的大量增加,城市人口的日益扩大和人民生活水平的不断提高,城市生活垃圾产量也随之飞速增长,垃圾焚烧处理相对于其他的卫生填埋法、堆肥法比较而言,在土地污染、地下水资源污染、资源利用等方面具有 的优势,尤其是在人口高度密集、土地资源相对紧张、垃圾产量较大的大中城市和沿海经济发达地区,垃圾焚烧处理法得到大力推广,北京、深圳、上海、广州、宁波、苏州等经济发达城市已纷纷开始兴建垃圾焚烧电厂,日常生活的废弃物的充分利用来实现可持续发展的战略目标。我们在借鉴国外发达 在垃圾焚烧发电产业的成功经验的同时, 和地方政府也在政策和资金上大力支持发达地区利用焚烧法处理城市生活垃圾。
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