软管泵分单作用及双作用两种型式。<br />
单作用式软管泵在活塞往复运动的一个循环中仅完成一次吸排水动作。而双作用式软管泵每往复一次完成两次吸排水动作。若按软管泵的缸数分类:有单缸、双缸及三缸3种。<br />
污水软管泵是单级单吸立式离心泵,主要部件有蜗壳、叶轮、泵座、泵壳、支撑筒、电机座、电动机等组成。蜗壳、泵座、电机座、叶轮螺母是生铁铸造、耐腐蚀性较好,加工工艺方便。叶轮为三片单园弦弯叶,选用半封闭叶轮,并采用可锻铸铁、所以强度高,耐腐蚀;加工方便,通过性好,效率高。为了减轻重量和减少车削量、泵轴是优质碳素钢冷拉园钢制造。软管泵座中装有四只骨架油封和轴套,防止轴磨损,延长轴的使用寿命。<br />!
There is also a food-grade rubber hose pump. Its rubber layer must meet food hygiene requirements, and it must also meet EHEDG or other sanitary requirements. There is also a EPDM hose pump, which is generally suitable for most corrosive chemicals and inorganic materials. The inner rubber layer is composed of EPDM rubber, and the outer layer is also a complete EPDM rubber. Such hoses have strong chemical resistance. And CSM hose pump, it is suitable for particularly corrosive chemical media, such as: strong oxidizing solvents. The inner layer of the hose is CSM and the outer layer is natural rubber. Operating temperature reaches 85 ° C / 185 ° F.
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司是一家专业从事 江西赣州水渠机研发、生产及销售的企业,公司在业内有着一支从事 江西赣州水渠机行业近10年的生产及销售团队,公司位于中站李封南会253号,这里交通便利,物流发达 。 公司本着质量立企、合作共赢的方针,欢迎业界各位新老客户莅临。
The hose pump is mainly composed of 5 parts: pump casing, rotor body, reducer, base and hose. The durability of the pump is mainly determined by the elasticity and corrosion resistance of the pipe, and its flow rate is related to the speed of the motor and the inner diameter of the pipe.