

电工钢硅钢片Ultra-thin series: B15AHT1000, B15AHT1200, B15AT1000, B15AT1200B15AT1500, B15AT1550, B20AHT1000, B20AHT1200, B20AT1000, B20AT1200, B20AT1500, 20WTG1200, 20WTG1500 20WTG1550 B25AHV1200 B25AHV1300, B27AHV1400, B27AV1400, B30AHV1500 B30AHV1400, B35AV1700 B35AV1800High performance series: B35AH300, B50AH300, 50AH470, 50AH600, 50AH800, B50AH470, B50AH600, B50AH800, B50AR300, B50AR600, B50AR500, B50AR350, B20AT15000.35 series: B35A200, B35A210, B35A230, B35A250, B35A270,B35A300, B35A360, B35A440, B35A550, B35AH300, B35AR300, B35AY-10.5 series: B50A250, B50A270, B50A290, B50A310, B50A350, B50A400, B50A470, B50A600, B50A700, B50A800, B50A1000, B50A13000.65 series: B65A470, B65A530, B50A600B65A700, B65A800 B65A1000, B65A1300Super thick Series: 70WK340, 75WK400, 80WK420, 85WK450, 10W800 WFC-100A, silicon steel sheet performance: A low iron loss. As an important indicator of quality, each country divides the grade by the iron loss value. The lower the iron loss, the higher the grade and the higher the quality.B. High magnetic induction strength. Under the same magnetic field, the silicon steel sheet with high magnetic sensitivity can be obtained. The volume and weight of the iron core of the motor or transformer made by it are relatively small, which can save silicon steel sheet, copper wire and insulating materials, etc.C. High stacking coefficient. The surface of the silicon steel sheet is smooth, flat and uniform in thickness, which improves the stacking coefficient of the iron core.D. Good punching property. This is more important for manufacturing small and micro motor iron cores.E. The surface has good adhesion and weldability to the insulating film.

电工钢硅钢片自粘硅钢片定子手工胶粘方案由于其需要复杂的人工操作及复杂的叠压工装,其生产效率不高,并且生产存在一定的报废率,随着技术的发展,近年来多个钢厂均推出了自粘硅钢片;自粘硅钢片是指硅钢片在冷轧完之后,硅钢片厂家在硅钢片表面涂覆了一层有机的涂层(比如宝钢的Z涂层和Sura Cogent的Suralac 9000),此涂层同时具备C5涂层的绝缘性,又具备胶水的粘性;硅钢片在生产完之后,自粘涂层是不带有粘性的(B 状态),当产品在一定温度和一定压力情况下,自粘涂层会进行融化并形成固化强度将硅钢片粘接到一起,以达到胶粘的效果;对比与普通的硅钢片自粘硅钢片的相关参数如图:

鹿程国际贸易有限公司生产的 湖北十堰新能源电工钢产品销往全国十多个省、市、自治区,由于质量高、服务好、价格低,受到广大消费者的一致好评。我们本着“诚信经营、不断创新、顾客至上”的经营理念,在生产销售各种规格的 湖北十堰新能源电工钢产品的同时还按照用户需求进行来图加工和来样加工,制造上述或其他产品。把企业着力打造成专业化程度高、服务好 湖北十堰新能源电工钢生产厂家。


电工钢硅钢片:表 3 普通型 A、湖北十堰同城应力退火型 AR、湖北十堰同城型 AH 产品磁性能和技术特性(续)类型 牌号公称厚度mm 比总损耗名义值P1.5/50 W/kg 比总损耗P1.5/50 W/kg小磁极化强度J5000a T比总损耗各向异性T1.5/50b %小叠装系数小弯曲次数约定密度kg/dm3 应力退火型c B35AR300 0.35 3.00 2.98 1.73 ±10 0.95 10 7.80B50AR3000.503.00 2.98 1.72 ±120.9710 7.75B50AR350 3.50 3.48 1.74 ±10 10 7.80B50AR500 5.00 4.90 1.72 ±10 10 7.85B50AR600 6.00 5.50 1.72 ±8 10 7.85型B35AH2300.352.30 2.28 1.66 ±170.952 7.65B35AH250 2.50 2.45 1.67 ±17 2 7.65B35AH300 3.00 2.80 1.69 ±14 5 7.70B50AH3000.503.00 2.90 1.68 ±140.975 7.65B50AH350 3.50 3.00 1.71 ±14 5 7.70B50AH470 4.70 3.50 1.72 ±12 10 7.75B50AH600 6.00 4.00 1.72 ±10 10 7.75a频率在 50Hz 的磁极化强度;b供方如能保证,可不提供。需方如有特殊要求,应在订货时协商;c应力退火型产品的磁性能是试样在 750℃±10℃下,经 2 小时应力退火后的测量值。
