想知道日金极薄无取向硅钢 GT050欢迎电询产品在实际使用中的表现吗?我们的现场实拍视频将为您展示产品的实际应用场景,让您亲身感受其优点和特点。
以下是:日金极薄无取向硅钢 GT050欢迎电询的图文介绍
严选用料 工艺精湛
电工钢硅钢片Ultra-thin series: B15AHT1000, B15AHT1200, B15AT1000, B15AT1200B15AT1500, B15AT1550, B20AHT1000, B20AHT1200, B20AT1000, B20AT1200, B20AT1500, 20WTG1200, 20WTG1500 20WTG1550 B25AHV1200 B25AHV1300, B27AHV1400, B27AV1400, B30AHV1500 B30AHV1400, B35AV1700 B35AV1800High performance series: B35AH300, B50AH300, 50AH470, 50AH600, 50AH800, B50AH470, B50AH600, B50AH800, B50AR300, B50AR600, B50AR500, B50AR350, B20AT15000.35 series: B35A200, B35A210, B35A230, B35A250, B35A270,B35A300, B35A360, B35A440, B35A550, B35AH300, B35AR300, B35AY-10.5 series: B50A250, B50A270, B50A290, B50A310, B50A350, B50A400, B50A470, B50A600, B50A700, B50A800, B50A1000, B50A13000.65 series: B65A470, B65A530, B50A600B65A700, B65A800 B65A1000, B65A1300Super thick Series: 70WK340, 75WK400, 80WK420, 85WK450, 10W800 WFC-100A, silicon steel sheet performance: A low iron loss. As an important indicator of quality, each country divides the grade by the iron loss value. The lower the iron loss, the higher the grade and the higher the quality.B. High magnetic induction strength. Under the same magnetic field, the silicon steel sheet with high magnetic sensitivity can be obtained. The volume and weight of the iron core of the motor or transformer made by it are relatively small, which can save silicon steel sheet, copper wire and insulating materials, etc.C. High stacking coefficient. The surface of the silicon steel sheet is smooth, flat and uniform in thickness, which improves the stacking coefficient of the iron core.D. Good punching property. This is more important for manufacturing small and micro motor iron cores.E. The surface has good adhesion and weldability to the insulating film.
鹿程国际贸易有限公司是一家专业生产 青海海东新能源电工钢的厂家,公司集生产,销售于一体,在长期的实践中积累了丰富的经验。公司实力雄厚,技术完善,设备先进。公司始终坚持严格的质量管控,完善的售后服务技术,在全国各地建立了本地化的安装。主打产品 青海海东新能源电工钢。我们对产品、对客户负责的态度,将品质作为选择材料的先决条件,打造高质量产品。以优良的服务、赢得了广大用户的青睐。在同行业中处于领先位置。公司以团结开拓,诚信自强的企业精神为广大用户提供优质的产品与的服务。我公司厂房地理位置优越,交通便利。欢迎各界朋友来我公司考察或致电洽谈。