豫信致诚机械设备有限公司在激烈竞争的商海中,始终坚持以客户为中心,以 福建三明水渠机质量为重点、人才为保证、效益为根本的经营理念,坚持扎扎实实、脚踏实地为 福建三明水渠机客户服务,为社会发展着想的宗旨。无论是现在还是将来,我们都将始终不渝地遵循这一宗旨。我们真诚的希望与国内外广大 福建三明水渠机用户建立长期、友好的战略合作伙伴关系,互惠互利,共图发展!
Industrial hose pump stainless steel gear pump, can transport non-lubricant beverages with low corrosive liquids, with copper gears can transport gasoline, benzene and other low internal point liquids. Due to the poor self-priming ability of the gear pump, it is generally caused by the large gap between the pump cavity of the gear pump. At the same time, if there is no "check valve" at the output of the gear pump, it must be a check valve or control valve of the next gear pump. After moving and fixing, the surrounding staff can resume surgery.