普邦环保材料有限公司是一家集科研、生产及销售为一体的综合性企业。专业从事各类 吉林延边碳酸氢钠研发与生产。公司生产设备先进,技术力量雄厚,检测设备齐全。产品销往全国各地并己远销俄罗斯,泰国,越南,伊朗等十几个和地区。受到用户的一致好评。公司本着“以人为本,质量为先,市场在变,诚信不变”的经营理念,以“诚信、合作、发展、创新”为宗旨,走科学创新的道路,不断推出更优的产品,以适应高速发展的建筑行业的需求。
The two is to look at the honeycomb activated carbon products produced by the bubble, if the bubble is more the better the quality of the product. We can do a little experiment, a handful of honeycomb activated carbon products into the water, because the water penetration effect, water will be immersed in the pores of activated carbon, so the pore in the air, resulting in a series of very small bubbles, pulled out a tiny bubbles lines in the water, at the same time also issued Zizi bubble sound, looked very interesting. If this phenomenon is very serious, and the longer the duration, then it is proved that the honeycomb activated carbon product pore structure is very developed, that is, the better adsorption performance of honeycomb activated carbon.
The two is to look at the honeycomb activated carbon products produced by the bubble, if the bubble is more the better the quality of the product. We can do a little experiment, a handful of honeycomb activated carbon products into the water, because the water penetration effect, water will be immersed in the pores of activated carbon, so the pore in the air, resulting in a series of very small bubbles, pulled out a tiny bubbles lines in the water, at the same time also issued Zizi bubble sound, looked very interesting. If this phenomenon is very serious, and the longer the duration, then it is proved that the honeycomb activated carbon product pore structure is very developed, that is, the better adsorption performance of honeycomb activated carbon.
染料废水成分复杂、水质变化大、色度深、浓度大,处理困难。处理方法主要有氧化、吸附、膜分离、絮凝、生物降解等。这些方法各有优缺点,其中活性炭能有效地去除废水的色度和COD。活性炭处理染料废水在国内外都有研究,但大多数是和其它工艺耦合,活性炭吸附多用于深度处理或将活性炭作为载体和催化剂,单独使用活性炭处理较高浓度染料废水的研究很少。 [6]
活性炭对染料废水有良好的脱色效果。染料废水的脱色率随温度的升高而增加,而pH值对染料废水的脱色效果没有太大的影响。在 吸附工艺条件下,酸性品红、碱性品红废水的脱色率均>97%,出水的色度稀释倍数≤50倍,COD<50mg/L,达到 一级排放标准。